Today was a good training day. Our second goat shed is made with pallets, cattle panels, and a tarp. Not the prettiest thing, but it works until I can build something better.
The tarp had come loose in the northwest corner – flapping around like crazy in the Colorado prairie wind. I’m figuring I’m going to be fighting the goats out of the way the entire time, but NOPE. Llassar decided that I was important enough to follow me into the shed with the wildly flapping tarp on the roof that is about 12 inches above his back. Then stands on the pallet I’m sitting on, with his ears and neck touching not only the metal but the tarp and looking right at that normally terrifying flapping piece.
And proceeded to pull my pony tail.
He stood there, messing with me, and smelling everything I was using, and tasting most of it, kept all the goats except Arya Underfoot away from me and remained calm while I finished the repair.
Then hay was thrown and the usual merry-go-round ensued. When I called his name, he came! Yay!! that I can finally let him out in the bigger pasture with buddies to keep him company to stretch his legs and not have to chase him or bribe him to come to me.
Then had a great time playing steeplechaser zooming around the pen like a barrel horse, sliding stops, rollbacks, bucking and kicking and jumping objects at random and then coming back over to get attention and brushing to remove more of that 3 inch thick winter hair.
All in all, a great day for him.
No pictures as I was busy doing a job and didn’t expect the wonderful opportunities I had.